Agam's Gecko
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

his short trailer for Michael Perlman's award-winning documentary "Beyond Fear" encapsulates well the issues which lay behind Tibetan dissatisfaction under their occupier's boot, and inside the heart and soul of the March 10th movement.

Nawang was a 13 year old nun, and Bagdro a 20 year old monk, when each led freedom demonstrations against the Chinese occupation of their country. Both were imprisoned and horribly tortured in the ensuing crackdown. Following a worldwide campaign for their release, both now live in freedom outside their homeland.

Nawang and Bagdro had found a way beyond fear before they ever reached their freedom in exile. But their struggle will not end while their countrymen and women must continue living in Chinese-made straitjackets. They, and many thousands like them within and outside their country, regardless of the international experts who declare their cause hopeless, will continue to press for the rights to which every human being aspires.

They really need our help.


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