Agam's Gecko
Monday, April 09, 2007

'm off to the airport in a couple of hours, and there are a number of articles I just didn't have time to write. So it's time for another set of gecko droppings, in which I offer links to notable articles I've come across in the past few days.

If I'm able to post something from Indonesia, and have something to write about, then I certainly will. Otherwise, I'll see y'all in about two weeks.

The John Doe Manifesto: Some weeks ago, the Council on Arab American Relations (CAIR) announced it would be seeking to prosecute unnamed airline passengers who had expressed concerns about the behaviour of 6 American imams, and which caused them to miss their flight. Airline management and law enforcement have stated that the passengers' concerns were valid, and that the public needs to be encouraged to be vigilant in similar circumstances. But CAIR hopes to prosecute "John Does" for harassment or discrimination based on "race or religion."

This prompted one of our favourite writers to come up with the John Doe Manifesto. A short video was also made to illustrate the issue. I would have offered the YouTube version here (see article following), but the original will serve just as well. Moderate American Muslims are also onboard (along with legal assistance offered to potential CAIR targets). See also John Doe vs. the moonbats (language warning).

The controversy also inspired a take-off on Bad Example: I Am Huff Po. Wai lgf.

Taufik Hamid writes: On The Trouble With Islam. The former terrorist associate of Ayman Zawahiri lays it all out for us again, in case we aren't paying attention. I've cited him several times on these pages, and he was featured in several of the Secular Islam conference videos we linked early last month.

Inul Daratista: A wonderful piece by Bret Stephens on Opinion Journal on the Indonesian dangdut singer, and her struggles against some fundamentalist prudes in her country. I'll take Inul over Rhoma any day! Highly recommended: Hips Don't Lie (great title!).

Major Terror Bust in Indonesia: Indonesian anti-terrorist investigators made a major bust in Central Java recently, with Australian assistance. The volume of materials seized indicated a possible operation that would have dwarfed the 2002 Bali bombings. In other terror-related Aussie news, two Sydney men, including an Australian Army captain, were charged with theft of rocket launchers. Others previously charged in the case may link the theft to jihadist endeavours.

And in Tibet-related terrorism news, the Dalai Lama has been threatened by a Pakistani jihad outfit, Lashkar-e-Toiba.

Just for Laughs: This one is long, but the laughs are worth it. These two seem to have crossed sabres before: Piers Morgan interviews the editor of the Guardian, and it's just hilarious. Hypocrisy on parade, or what?

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