Agam's Gecko
Friday, December 28, 2007

s if the world needed anymore evidence that the brutal Burmese regime has got to go now, but here is some more anyway. I've been told it's been given to CNN -- but it only surfaced this week, and maybe they'll still find time for it amidst the year-end reviews and presidential campaign analyses.

What I've found out so far is that the incident happened near the Sule Pagoda. The original high resolution file is available here.

If you listen, you can hear some of the people in the third floor vantage point where the video was taken, sobbing in shock at what they've just seen. The camera operator comes very close to being spotted by a soldier right at the end.

UPDATE: I've done some work on the raw video, in an attempt to make the soldiers' dirty work a little more clear to the viewer. I put this version up on blip.tv for embedding here, but the picture is even clearer if you view it over there. I leave the original YouTube below.


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